H He
Li Be
B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
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Precious Metal Sponge
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Iridium Catalysts
Gold Compounds
Silver Compounds
Precious Metal Plating
Precious Metal Fabrication
Ceramic Glaze
Titanium Anodes
Rare Metal Machining
Recovery & Refining
Gas Purification Catalysts
Auto Exhaust Control
KaiDa Chemical Engineering Co. , Ltd .
No. 1 Chuangye Road
     Baoji , Shaanxi 721006
Tel: +86-917-3317143
Url: www.kd-chem.com
Email: Yu-jq@netease.com
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145-147 St John Street
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     EC1V 4PY
Tel: +44 7812 641832
Url: www.kaida.co.uk
Email: info@kaida.co.uk
Palladium catalysts Platinum catalysts Ruthenium Catalysts
Rhodium catalysts Iridium catalysts

Palladium catalysts


Hydrogenation, Selective hydrogenation, Oxidation, Dehydrogenation, Hydrogenolysis, Dehalogenation, Carbonylation, Telomerization, Disproportionation/ Migration of olefins, Deoxo reaction, Hydropurification

◆Hydrogenation of Acetylenes to cis-Olefins

◆Hydrogenation of Acetylenes to Paraffins

◆Hydrogenation of Mono-olefines to Paraffins

◆Hydrogenation of Di-olefins to Mono-olefins

◆Hydrogenolysis of Olefins

◆Selective Hydrogenation of Olefinic Ketones

◆Dehalogenation of Aliphatic Halides

◆Dehalogenation of Aromatic Halides

◆Reduction of Acid Chlorides to Aldehydes (Rosenmund Reduction)

◆Reduction of N-Nitrosoamines to Hydrazines

◆Reduction of Aromatic Nitroso Compounds to Amines

◆Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds to Amines

◆Hydrogenation of Aromatic Aldehydes to Alcohols

◆Reduction of Benzoic Acid

◆Hydrogenation of Phenol to Cyclohexanones

◆Reduction of Aromatic Ketones to Alkyl Aromatic Alcohols

◆Reduction of Aromatic Ketones to Alkyl Aromatics

◆Hydrogenolysis of Aromatic Aldehydes to Alkyl Aromatics

◆Decarbonylation of Aromatic Aldehydes

◆Reduction of Aromatic Nitriles to Amines

◆Reduction of Aromatic Nitriles to Aldehydes

◆Disproportionation of Cyclohexenes

◆Migration of Olefins

◆Reductive Alkylation of Anilines to Substituted Anilines

◆Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds to Hydrazobenzenes

◆Reduction of Nitro Cyclohexanes to Cyclohexanone Oximes

◆Reduction of Nitro Olefins to Saturated Amines

◆Reduction of Oxines to Primary Amines

◆Hydrogenolysis of Benzyl compounds to Alkyl Aromatics

◆Hydrogenation of Epoxides to Alcohols

◆Reductive Amination

◆Reduction of Quinones to Hydroquinones

◆Reduction of Aromatic Esters

◆Reduction of Furans

◆Reduction of Pyridines

◆Reduction of Imines to Amines

◆Reduction of Nitrics to Hydroxyamines

◆Reduction of Hydroperoxides

◆Reduction of Nitro compounds to Amines




◆Oxidation in the liquid-phase

◆Deoxo reaction

◆Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide

◆Decomposition of Methanol

◆Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides


PGM Catalysts




Copyright © 1999-2008 Shanxi Kaida Chemical Engineering Co.,ltd.
No.1 ChuangYe Road, Shaanxi 721006, ChinaTel:+86-917-3317143 / 3322918